Saturday, June 29, 2019

Definition: Medical Science Paradox

The Medical Science Paradox is my own original term for a paradox is modern medicine, where advances in medical technology may  reduce the longevity of the general popultion, instead of increasing it as expected.

The term was officially created on 4 June 2019 with the release of my video, The Medical Science Paradox: Why Longevity is Falling.

There are a variety of reasons why longevity may fall as medicine improves. One is the huge cost of medical care, which ultimately results in fewer people having access to it. If modern medicine saves a life, it gaurantees that the patient will continue spending medical resources for years in the future.

See my other posts on Health Care on Twitter and Instagram.

For my own cancer saga, see my posts on Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. No matter how little or how much we spend on medical care, one thing is for sure, we are going to live for awhile, then we die. That simple fact suggests that it is inevitable that healthcare will be rationed in one way or another.


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